UWP application in full screen in Windows 10
Not many users know that UWP-application in full screen in Windows 10 really open, but for some unknown reasons, most of them use their OS and the software installed in it the way it is originally. It's clear that there is nothing bad in this, but on the other hand, it seems that it's a little silly when you have the opportunity to do something for yourself better, but you do not use it. This is what prompts us to talk about the many settings of the OS, which are really cool and you definitely need to use them, because with their help, even recently the usual version of the system can turn into something more attractive and popular.
In fact, in order to deploy the UWP application to the full screen, it is not necessary to look for any hidden icons or buttons in the application itself, but simply use the "hot combination" of the keys, which looks like: "Shift + Win + Enter".
Again, you should pay attention to that moment, as soon as you use the full-screen mode, then you will immediately see that the "window title of the program" and "taskbar" were hidden. Yes, from some side - it's not very convenient, but if you look at this situation from a different angle, then you should take into account that not all users and the above options are needed.
If the full-screen mode of UWP-applications in full screen in Windows 10 is no longer needed, then in that case, you will need to press the combination of "hot keys": "Shift + Win + Enter" again and all will return to normal.
In addition, to abandon the full-screen mode is possible in the situation when you can not use the "hot keys". In this case, just hover your mouse over the top border of the screen window and just wait, as soon as an anonymous icon with arrows appears, click on it and exit the full-screen mode.
And finally, I would like to note that the combination of "hot keys" used can allow you to see first hand how the "tablet mode" works, which is ideal for monitors with touch screens.