How to make a backup of settings, the Quick Access Toolbar in Windows 10
Today, we will tell you as much detail about, how to make a backup in Windows 10 settings, the Quick Access Toolbar for is to have a situation that the configuration data you want to restore, will be able to do it just in a few clicks!
The essence of this article is to ensure that few of the Windows 10 operating system users know that the "Toolbars" that are in the "Taskbar" of the new operating system, have the opportunity to let as quickly as possible to organize the so-called "quick access" those sections - resources that are necessary to the user "here and this hour."
It is clear that initially, the operating systems Windows 10 in its menu "Panel" has no more than three links to resources such as: "Address", "Desktop" and "Links". That's just such a plan minimalism in this section is not very practical, which is why we recommend it to expand and add to the above-mentioned list of items and even the ones that you are most needed. Thus, you will be able to create their own "extra pane", which may be upgraded by simply adding them to the links and directories that are on local disks.
That's only if the use of this method of upgrading your operating system should understand that if you have only a couple of references, even if that will happen is not a big crash, and they "fly off", you will not be difficult to restore everything, but if such a link order 10 and 20 and can be, then there should definitely make backup quick access settings so that has always been the ability to quickly recover everything.
Using this method, you must understand that it is a record in the system registry, and therefore, a backup is done by exporting the key, which is responsible for the "Toolbar". Therefore, you need to make the opening of "Registry Editor" using the command "the regedit" and only after that, go to the following "path»: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Streams \ Desktop.
Find the latest «Desktop» section, hover your mouse cursor and click on it only once PKM, this action will allow you to open up to small context menu, which will be a number of different points to control. Accordingly, many of the items you need to choose only one - "Export" by clicking on it paints.
In the newly opened window, you will see the operating system prompted to save a file with the extension «REG» in the place Win 10 that you think most appropriate when the need to use this fi in order to to backup settings Quick Access toolbar in Windows 10.
Thus, when you need to make recovery options Quick Access Toolbar using a backup file with the extension «REG», you'll just have to make a file merger, which you have in the system and one that is's backup. After this kind of procedure will only restart "Explorer" and make sure that everything was restored.