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NOD32 Mobile Security 1 year / 1 device

200 ₽
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Product code: 2473395

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Mobile devices a couple of decades ago seemed to most people, something beyond the fantastic and were so expensive that it was not possible to imagine that soon, these same devices will be almost everyone who lives on the Earth. It is clear that the progress was inexorable and for two decades much has changed, and as a result, mobile gadgets have become much cheaper than their predecessors. This is what makes it possible today to easily have not one mobile phone or tablet, but two or even three such devices. It's only the development of the device itself that provoked a new problem that looks like all sorts of virus threats, which are just susceptible to modern operating systems used in gadgets. That's why, in order for you to feel comfortable using your smartphone or tablet, we suggest that you start using Eset Nod32 Mobile Security for Android today, which is ideal for protecting various devices.

I just want to note the key features of NOD32 Mobile Security:

  • Pretty nimble antivirus, which most effectively performs the tasks that the user puts before him in terms of protection from all sorts of virus attacks. Antivirus has a lightning response, which allows you to respond faster than the virus can infiltrate the device's system files.
  • The compactness of the program is also not possible to leave without attention, because it is compared with its "colleagues in the shop", it has the ability to fully scan and install, occupy a minimum of free disk space, which is also an indispensable plus.
  • Simple and fairly user-friendly interface program, which has the ability to give the user the necessary options for configuring protection, but with all this, do not complicate the treatment of the program.
  • Constant behavioral monitoring of the actions performed by the application. Such control of the software allows the antivirus to detect in time the applications that hide the threats.
  • There is, so-called "Locking the Thief", which does not allow theft of personal data from the user's mobile device via Internet connection.
  • Using licensed keys for Nod32 Mobile Security, you do not have to worry about that the device can be lost, because if you insert another's SIM card into your device, then to the phone number (optional) an SMS message will be sent.
  • It is possible to completely and completely manage all the calls that are, both incoming and outgoing. The uniqueness of this option is that at any time you can block an unwanted contact and it will not be able to reach you at any time.
  • Also, it is possible to block calls from all numbers that are hidden.
  • If you need to block your mobile device, which is located at a distance from you, you can always do this by sending only one SMS command to the device.
  • Also, thanks to the unique security system, you can delete just one SMS from your phone so that the person who finds your device can not use your personal information.
  • There is a GPS-detection, which was created in order that when the device was lost, it was possible to find it by coordinates.
  • There is an antispam function that will itself block all potentially dangerous SMS and MMS, where there may be: spam, links, viruses, etc.

As it seems to us, buy NOD32 Mobile Security is definitely worth it, as the above list of positive sides in the work of this program is an undeniable plus of it, which fits perfectly into the work of almost any gadget that should be controlled only by its owner .

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