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Office 2019 for 1 PC

990 ₽
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Product code: 2527543

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In order to perform versatile tasks at your computer and not know any problems, we suggest you start using Office 2019 on 1 PC, since the practicality of this program in its updated look is something that amazes even seasoned users.

Microsoft office 2019 Pro Plus for the "regular" user

If we consider this software from the side of an ordinary man in the street, then from the first seconds of its launch, you can see that the visual appearance of the program has changed quite well, because it has more pleasant graphics with quite adequate color gamut.

In addition, most users will like the fact that the software has become even more qualitative in the sense that it is always able to come to the aid of the user and suggest how to act in a given situation, as it happens and that there is an unsolvable task, can be instantly solved in a few clicks.

It is also not possible to ignore the moment that the tools familiar to most of you, in this edition of the program, are located in the following applications:

  • Word;
  • Excel;v PowerPoint;
  • Outlook;
  • Project;
  • Visio.

Here, all applications have become even more unique and diverse. Now it is possible to find even something new that is really ready to hit you with its prostate to use, but at the same time to surprise you with incredible practicality in performing various tasks. It is also important that the updated / new tools are not difficult to learn and as a result, each user will be able to learn how to work with them in minutes.

Microsoft office 2019 Pro Plus for "advanced" user

If you use such software as Office 2019 for computer on a professional level, then in this case, you will be here, where to roam, because the software is completely different from not one well-known program that you could meet earlier. Of course, a visual and functional similarity is taking place, but this is only the outer shell, which is absolutely not the same as the internal structure of the program and its capabilities.

  • Due to the updated toolbar, which has undergone a number of improvements and updates, your workflow will proceed much faster and more qualitatively, which will certainly please, because the program will expand the working capabilities at times and they will be very practical to use.
  • Also, the software began to work faster, because the software core was reworked in it, which was made more powerful, but at the same time, it consumed fewer resources of the PC itself and as a result, the response speed of the program increased by several orders of magnitude. We also note here that the stability of the software has not undergone any changes for the worse, since the updated software core has received additional working lines, where the stable work of the program is not in the last place. So, bringing the software to a state where it will hang, or will periodically think about various kinds of actions on your part, will be a difficult task.
  • Those of you who care about the security of the program and all its data will like the fact that its working capabilities have changed and now the software is able to withstand completely different workloads directly related to attacks of viruses and other hacks, which, more recently, seemed to most users something catastrophic.
  • The editors of this program did not manage without it, so as not to take advantage of the unique “cloud storage”. Now, if you have Internet access, you can easily use the “cloud” in order to: upload files there, download files from it, perform some collaboration in the “cloud” and so on. Also, thanks to the "cloud", you will always have the opportunity to use your work projects anywhere in the world where there is at least minimal access to the Internet.
  • The interaction of Office 2019 with other programs that were also developed by Microsoft, but a few years earlier is not a problem! At any time, you can easily run on your device, even the document that was created in the Office environment 10-15 years ago.

As you can see, if you buy an activation key for Office 2019 and make its full activation on your device, you can see that the program you’ve used, which you just recently thought was simple, has very impressive prospects for using it. It is for this reason that the software of 2019 can easily replace a huge amount of software that you really won't need anymore and you probably won't want to use it anymore, since you simply simply are not comfortable with it, because: “Why work with a bunch of programs if there is one and very cool? ”That is why we recommend that you make your choice in the direction of only one program, which by modern standards is considered the best among its own kind and due to this, overtakes its competitors by several years of development, which makes the software really of indispensable when working in completely different directions.

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Ребята, не спешите вставлять код на сайте майков!! Они из-за санкций принесли одни неудобства и разочарование. Выполняйте инструкцию, которая отображается возле ключа после покупки. По телефону звонок боту производится и за 7 минут лицензия оформляется, советую!!! У меня получилось несмотря на то, что я по ошибке сначала ввел на сайте майкрософт, потом скачал офис и увидел ошибки: сначала после установки Office 365, а потом после попытки активации через интернет. Вторая опция со звонком сработала на ура!!
Всегда покупаю ПО у данного продавца. Уже более 25 покупок точно. Никогда не подводил. Если есть какие-то нюансы, то решаются очень быстро. Рекомендую!!!!
Спасибо! Активация прошла штатно, ключом. Думаю надо хорошенько чистить "хвосты" от старых версий на компьютере перед активацией. Надеюсь не слетит.
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