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Key for Dr.Web Mobile Security Suite.

250 ₽
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Product code: 1540183

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Considering the use of the modern world, various kinds of gadgets and mobile devices, it becomes clear that you should definitely protect them from the virus, because if a few years ago you could not buy a key Dr. Web to protect their system, but now, no longer as without this kind protection can not do! It is clear that the use of anti-virus - this is not a 100% guarantee that your system does not impress a virus and will not bring her any problems, but it is necessary to take into account the fact that it was thanks to antivirus, you can protect the operating system for at least 95- 99%, which is several times better than not to use anti-virus at all and constantly be under the threat of infection of the operating system.
Considering Dr.Web Mobile Security Suite antivirus for your smartphone or tablet protection, with full confidence we can say that the software works just perfect, and all from the fact that it gathered all the best of what was created more than a year by Dr .Web. The main advantage of the antivirus to its peers is that it is not just a "big name", and constantly reiterates its effectiveness in the fight against all sorts of viruses, rootkits, blockers of the screen and. With such Antivirus you will no longer get advertising and you will not find yourself in a situation where something that should not be on the screen, it will appear. Immediately it is worth noting that moment, that works as anti-virus on a balance that does not allow him to load the system and cause it to crash or slow work.
So, deciding to buy anti-virus Doctor Web, you get an excellent opportunity to protect your mobile device while always'll be able to work in a fairly pleasant environment software that works: as soon as possible, does not allow the penetration of viruses into the system and at the same time, it allows to use its interface intuitive level.

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