Windows 10 - HP driver error
Windows 10 - HP driver error most often has this code “0x800703e3”, which indicates that an unauthorized crash occurred during installation that prevented the driver from installing. Of course, you can try repeatedly repeating the driver installation procedure, but in the overwhelming majority, it will not give you anything, since you will simply waste your time waiting for the installation, and you will not get anything from this process for the total its ending. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to more specialized measures that are able to correct the problem and often help 99% of users.
Symptoms of Error 0x800703e3 when installing HP drivers?
In fact, you should not even think that there are any places in your device, at least some signs related to the above error, because the problem always appears suddenly and most unpleasantly, it appears at the very moment when need to perform:
- Installing a new device from HP;
- Update existing drivers from HP on your desktop PC;
- Installation of previously removed drivers from HP and reinstalled in the desktop PC environment.
How does Windows 10 offer to solve error 0x800703e3?
Unfortunately, even Win 10 has a very limited range of working tools in some software areas and as a result, the user has an error, and the OS offers him to use the “Repeat” button, which authorizes the launch of a repeated attempt to install / reinstall the driver.
Thus, the “standard” capabilities of the system are not enough to cope with the problem and, as a result, one has to resort to more advanced settings.
Effective way to fix error 0x800703e3
The method that will be described below is not as complicated as it may seem to many, but when performing the action log described below, try not to be distracted because you will have to interact with more advanced program settings, but they do not tolerate erroneous actions from not experienced users.
Your primary goal is Microsoft Update, and all that thanks to the above section, any user can search for the query “hp wireless button”. It should be noted that the scanning and subsequent search for drivers must be made specifically for your OS, which means that you should choose only Windows 10. As soon as you can download the file, then perform this action, but remember that the file It is downloaded only in a specific extension, namely in “.cab”. It remains only to launch the “Explorer” (here it does not matter which way you will do it), since you need it only to create a folder into which three files are moved that can be found in the “.cab” file "When you double-click it with the left mouse button.
Among the files you have moved, there will definitely be one that has the extension “.info”, it is on it that you must click with the right mouse button to open an additional information window. Click on "Settings Information", then, use the "Setup" button.
All the above actions will surely force the security system of Windows 10 to warn the user that this action log can be dangerous, but as you understand, this warning should only be ignored and continue the installation. If everything is successful, then after a short period of time, the OS will notify you by sending a corresponding message.
In order for the Windows 10 - HP driver error to be finally eliminated, you need to go to Settings and from there, go to Windows Update, because only in this section there will be a button Repeat.
As you might have guessed, the “Repeat” button will launch an action log related to reinstalling the drivers, and if this process is successful, the OS will authorize the launch of an information window that will ask for permission to restart the PC.
In a few minutes, you can at least solve your problem with HP drivers, and if you cannot do it with such a sophisticated method, then at least you will be sure that you tried to do something for your PC.