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Windows 10 - AutoSave screenshots in OneDrive

Windows 10 - AutoSave screenshots in OneDrive

Surely you do not know that in Windows 10 - auto-saving screenshots in OneDrive already has a place to be, but almost no one of users does not use the new function, but in vain. The peculiarity of this option is that you can simplify your work for the PC, because thanks to these features, you do not have to save screenshots every time, and the entire saving procedure will proceed automatically. Thus, if you have a need to constantly make a large number of screenshots, then this option to save them is ideal for you.

In order for the screenshots to remain in automatic mode, you will have to use the "cloud storage" called OneDrive and some settings that have nothing to do with third-party software or tweaks of the operating system Windows 10 itself.

Let's get down to business... Find in the system tray a small icon indicating the application "OneDrive" -> click on the PCM on the icon to open the context menu -> select the "Options" item in the context menu and click on it with the LMC.

Now, before you should open a new window, where you actually need to find the tab "Autosave" -> go to it -> mark the item "Automatically save screen shots in OneDrive".

All! You completely coped with the task set before you!

Please note that all of the above described method will only work if you use hotkeys: Ctrl + PrintScreen, PrintScreen, and Alt + PrintScreen, but if you use a combination of hotkeys, Win + PrintScreen ", the screenshots will still be saved in the" standard folder "" Screenshots ", which is located on the following path: C: \ Users \ UserName \ Pictures \ Screenshots.

We hope that in Windows 10 - auto-saving screenshots in OneDrive it is in automatic mode that you will be able to please, as this is really the version of simplifying the work for a PC, which you will certainly like its practicality.