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View in Windows 10 Control Panel

View in Windows 10 Control Panel

If you set the "top ten" and at some point decided to ensure that to go to the Windows 10 Control Panel, then you will probably the first time will not be possible, and all from the fact that in the new OS in this regard there are some limitations and complexity. For this reason, we will now try and cover everything as simple as possible and at the same time, fast enough.

Method №1

This is perhaps the easiest and most effective way! To open the "Control Panel", and then you just need that to put the mouse cursor over the menu icon "Start" and press the RMB:

This opens a context menu where you must select "Control Panel", and then you will be able to see exactly the "Control Panel" to which are accustomed to earlier versions of the OS:

Method №2

In this case, we will use the "Search". Click on search and mount it in the search box the phrase "Control Panel." Now, you simply select from the appearing search results that you need:

As you can see, and go to Windows 10 Control Panel is not that difficult, provided you know how to behave and how to act in this situation, in the opposite case, numerous attempts at opening the "Panel control "for the majority of PC users (especially beginners) may fail.