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The "Developer" mode in Mixed Reality Windows 10

The "Developer" mode in Mixed Reality Windows 10

If you want to know for a long time what the Developer mode is in Mixed Reality Windows 10 and how it works, then this article will be very enjoyable, because only with its help you can learn a lot of new and interesting about those functions of the system, which until recently, seemed to you simply simply inaccessible.

The essence of our experiment, which will be discussed in this article, is that we will test the "Developer" mode in Mixed Reality with you, but we will not have a powerful computer and steep virtual reality glasses. All that we will have is: average computer power and a small amount of knowledge.

We start with the fact that we go this way: go to the "Options" panel → open "Update and Security" → go to "For Developers" → click on "Developer Mode" → install an additional software package from Microsoft.

Since the "Developer" mode requires quite large capacities from the PC, it is necessary to take this into account and give a report to the performed actions on your part, since in some cases (in very rare cases) the PC can go something wrong and will have to contact the service Centre. It is for this reason that the system will warn you of the danger and you should agree to continue by clicking on the "Yes" button, or to interrupt the launch of the mode and there is no time to find out what it is.

Use the search string in your OS in order to register in it the "Mixed Reality Portal" and open the application of the same name.

The "Developer" mode in Mixed Reality Windows 10 is practically active, but before you take the last steps before launching it, you will need to review all the data that the application will present to you and pass a small compatibility test for your PC and "Mixed reality Windows".

After completing the above step, you simply find the link "Setting the simulation (for developers)" in the lower left corner of the window and click on it. There should be a small pop-up window "Set up a simulation?" And if you have not lost the desire to do so, just click on the "Settings" button.

Now you are waiting, because the application will load emulation files with a weight of 2 GB for a while, so be prepared for the application to temporarily take some free disk space from your hard drive.

Once you notice that everything, the application has downloaded and installed, you will need to return to the Mixed Reality Portal application, where there will be a small sidebar on the left side in which you need to click on "For Developers".

In a new window, switch the simulation of the headset to "Enabled" and start enjoying the three-dimensional image of a small villa. Note that on each wall, you are waiting for unique "screens", which will denote work programs.

Thus, it is possible to find out to each of you what the Developer mode is in the Mixed Reality of Windows 10 and how you can use it. Of course - this is not a full-fledged 3D model of the world around you, but in any case, this variant of testing the program is several times better than not at all.