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System stability monitor shortcut in Windows 10

System stability monitor shortcut in Windows 10

If you've always looked for a third-party application in order to track the performance of your operating system with it, then you'll like this article, because it's with it that you can find out what the shortcut is System Stability Monitor "in Windows 10, because in fact - this is a very useful addition for the OS.

The main advantage of the function used by users called "System Stability Monitor" is that with its help, it is possible to trace almost all the processes that occur in the OS. In addition, the function makes it possible not only to view real-time processes, but also to collect various information about exactly what errors you have in the system that can be associated with problems, both the system itself and third-party software.

How to activate the "System Stability Monitor"?

Activation of this system option is quite simple... Click on the PCM in the free area of the Desktop to bring up the context menu, just from the items of which we select "Create" and after "Shortcut".

In a new window, the system prompts you to write the path to the file, in this case you need to specify the following: "Perfmon / rel", then click on the button labeled "Next".

The next step for you will be connected with the name to create the shortcut. We recommend to name the label simply and understandably, it will suit even something like "System Stability Monitor". After the name has been set, click on the button labeled "Done".

In general, that's it! You managed to create a fully functioning shortcut "System Stability Monitor" in Windows 10, which will be located on your "Desktop" (if necessary, it can be moved to another location) and when clicked, you You can open a useful application ready to help you at any time.