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Searching for text in images in the Photos application

Searching for text in images in the Photos application

There are a number of users who, for various reasons, have hundreds of gigabytes of photos or other images on their hard drives. It is to such users, it is not always easy to find among the huge amount of material exactly what they need, especially when it comes to finding "in the heap of everything". Especially for these situations, text search in images in the Photos application was developed.

The uniqueness of this method lies in the fact that if earlier, the user had to constantly search in the application for the name of the image itself, then this hour, you can discard this method and take advantage of the ability to search for text on the image itself. Thus, if you have a picture on which there is a word or a phrase, then you register it in the search field and the application finds it.

As an example, we open the "Photos" application and write the word "rolsen" in the search field, then click on the "Magnifier" icon or simply, press the "Entern" button on the keyboard. All started a search, which will try to provide you with the maximum number of results that will match your query.

In addition, in the "Photos" application, there is an additional menu in the search panel that allows you to use filters in order to distribute as much as possible all the images found with the searched word / phrase present on them.

Due to the fact that the search for text in images in the Photos application is currently being tested, it is not yet publicly available, but in the near future, everything will change and this function will be able to use any of you.

Similarly, developers from Microsoft report that this function will soon acquire additional search capabilities, which will also be of interest to most users, because with their help search capabilities age at times.