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Scrollbar in Windows 10

Scrollbar in Windows 10

There are a lot of innovations in the tenth version of the operating system, that's why, when the scroll bar in Windows 10 from the usual, turns into something thin, it creates the impression that it is very convenient. Yes, in fact, this is true, but on condition that you understand what exactly is necessary to reduce the scroll area, otherwise, it causes some discomfort for those users who do not want to search for something or perform each time the same type of action that looks like hovering the cursor on the scroll bar in order to later, to see that it has become full.

Thus, if you are satisfied with the way in the automatic mode the scroll bar decreases and does not interfere with you, then you leave everything in the OS as it is, but if you have the desire and need to restore everything to the state that was before , then in this case, it is necessary to perform the following actions.

You can even use "Search", which takes place on the "Taskbar". Simply, write the most suitable search query in your opinion and you get with it to the appropriate section of the system, you move the switch to the "Off" position.

If the "Search" located on the "Taskbar" is not very convenient for you, then in this case, we perform all the actions in the order usual for most: we go to the "Parameters" panel, where we go to "Special Features", from there we go to " Display "and in the newly opened window, on its left side, we see the title" Simplification and personalization of Windows ", so we are on the right track and it only needs to be lowered to the item" Automatically hide Windows scroll bars "and opposite this item, shutdown this systematically action by moving the switch to the "Off" position.

If you do everything right, the scrollbar in Windows 10 will instantly become full, which means that you will not need to do something, perform something with the cursor for aiming at a thin strip, which, after getting into it, will become full. Now, the necessary element of the system will be exactly the same as you used to see it in previous versions of Windows operating systems.