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Rounded corners in Windows 10

Rounded corners in Windows 10

If you are a fan of “minimalism” and you like to constantly experiment with your system, in this case, we suggest finding out in more detail about: “What can rounded corners in Windows 10 have?” software upgrades developed by Microsoft, there are some innovations that certainly should not remain unnoticed by most users.

If you have not guessed, then it will be a question of what is the updated look of the Windows 10 operating system, which gradually begins to be updated not in the program plan, but in terms of the visual, which is directly related to the unique “Fluent Design” interface. The idea of using this interface is that it has smoother lines and rounded corners. All this, in its totality, gives the OS environment a more unique and interesting look.

How to enable rounded corners in Windows 10?

In order to perform these actions, it is necessary to be attentive and nothing more, since the action log for setting up the OS in this direction, although it is not very simple, but to call it complex, the language does not rotate.

To customize your OS, you will need to: use the "Search" and use it to open "regedit.exe":

  • Go to the section in the following path "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Search \" → in the last subsection, go to the window to the right and use the right mouse button to call the context menu with which you can create the "DWORD 32 bits ”→ the parameter to be created must be set to the name“ ImmersiveSearch ”, and the value must be set as “1”.
  • Go to the section under the following path “HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Search \ Flighting \” → create the section “Override” → go to the window to the right and use the right mouse button to open the context menu create the “DWORD 32 bits” parameter → the parameter to be created must be named “CenterScreenRoundedCornerRadius”, and the value must be specified as “9”.
  • After the done settings in the OS, you need to reset the device. As soon as your PC starts up again, you can notice that you have managed to make rounded corners in Windows 10 and now the system workspace is very different from what you used to see in everyday life.