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Privacy web camera in Windows 10

Privacy web camera in Windows 10

For more than one month and even a year, it is said that many PC users do not like that they are being shadowed. This "shadowing" is expressed in the constant collection of information to the developers of the operating system of the tenth generation about users who work with their offspring. It would seem that there is nothing to be afraid of, but as practice shows, from this kind of ingenious influences on a personal computer from Microsoft, it's best to protect yourself in time. It is for this reason that we invite you to find out what the full confidentiality of the webcam in Windows 10 can be, which you have the opportunity to organize with your own hands, with the help of rather unintelligible actions to set up your OS and Kaspersky Anti-Virus.

In order to prevent the web-camera from monitoring itself at the first stages, at least in the sense that it does not collect information about which programs you use for video communication, etc., we advise you to install Kaspersky Internet Security, because this is the best variant of the antivirus, which is ideal not only to ensure the security of your system from external threats, but also to protect the user from various internal problems that are just related to the collection of information and unauthorized use of the web camera in hidden m operating system from Microsoft mode.

In addition to all the above, we recommend that you make some adjustments to the Windows 10 itself, since without them, certainly not to do and in conjunction with the use of antivirus, these system settings will be just perfect.

We draw your attention to the fact that all the OS configuration actions performed are fairly simple, but for all that, they must be performed with the utmost care and then everything will turn out the first time!

And so... As usual, in such situations, go to the "Start" menu, where there is a "gear" (a small icon located in the lower left corner of the monitor screen), allowing you to go to the section with the name "Options" from which it is already possible to go in the category of "Confidentiality" by clicking on the huge icon with the lock.

Since we are interested in webcam confidentiality in Windows 10, you will also need a new window in the list that looks like a column to find a link with the title "Camera", and after that, you will have the opportunity in the section titled "Selecting applications that can use the camera" go to the "Feedback Center", where in one click we move the switch from the "On" position to the "Off" position.

The changes you make to the system will become active instantly, as to activate them, you do not need to turn off / turn on the computer, which is also very convenient and practical enough.

Using this pair of settings to protect your computer time, you will not lose a lot of time, but for the fact that your system will be controlled only by you and even its developers in the person of Microsoft, will not be able to affect its parameters related to tracking through the web camera.