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Полноэкранное меню «Пуск» в Windows 10

Полноэкранное меню «Пуск» в Windows 10

Surely, you do not even know how to configure your operating system in such a way that the full-screen Start menu in Windows 10 functions fully in it, and in vain, since this is a very practical and convenient way Use of its OS. This kind of menu "Start" you can already see on other versions of the OS in the face of Windows 8.

In order to make your own adjustments to the setup of the Start menu and make it as we need, we do the following: find the Settings application and open it -> find the item "Open the initial screen in full screen mode" and opposite it, Set the switch to the "On" position.

If all the above actions are performed correctly, all the changes made will be visible instantly and you will not have to adjust anything else.

Also, in order to achieve the expansion of the Start menu to full-screen mode, you can use the tweak registry of Win 10. Initially, go to the path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Explorer. Having reached the subsection "Explorer", we find the parameter named "ForceStartSize" and change its value from "1" to "2".

Note that if you use the above registry tweak to configure the operating system, you will not be able to disable the changes you made to the settings through the settings of the Settings application, since you need to change everything through the tweek of the registry.

We hope that you liked the ability to use the Start menu in Windows 10 and you will enjoy it long enough and fully, as this is an incredibly convenient way for some users to speed up the process of working with the computer.