Microsoft Edge - replacement folder for downloading files
If you do not know, in Microsoft Edge - the replacement folder for uploading files can be made by any user of the PC itself. This is done in order to simplify the work with the system itself, because there are different kinds of situations where the user does not need to use the default folder that he uses, and you need to use a new location to store the downloaded files. This is especially true, provided that you are using an external hard drive, which is exactly where the downloaded files should be stored.
Now, be careful, since you need to do the following: go to "Options" → open "Advanced Settings" → select "Downloads the browser's main menu" (this button looks like a ellipsis "•••") → use the "Edit" button → Select the folder in which you think and should be saved all downloaded through the browser Microsoft Edge files.
If you also need to disable persistent requests from the system to save the file or not to save it, just move the switch to the "Off" position next to "Ask me what to do with each download".
Thus, in the Microsoft Edge browser - replacing the folder for downloading files runs quite quickly and does not require any additional actions from the user not during the process of replacing the final download folder, not after its assignment.