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KB4505903 Update and Error in Windows 10

KB4505903 Update and Error in Windows 10

We hope that the KB4505903 update and error in Windows 10 have not yet reached your device and for this reason, we suggest that you refrain from using the additional “KB4505903” update package, which has been known to many users for a long time major update of Windows 10 May 2019 Update.

We recommend that you refrain from installing an additional, completely unnecessary update, for the reason that after installing it, you may experience such a situation, which will cause all audio devices that recently worked perfectly via Bluetooth to stop interacting with your PC.

If, by some chance, you used the "Check for Updates" button in manual mode and updating KB4505903 was downloaded / installed and now you have a problem, then in this case it is best to use the method for solving the problem described below, but before when you start implementing it, make sure that all the components of Windows Defender are updated as much as possible, as otherwise, additional problems may arise.

Our way to solve the problem lies in the fact that we offer using the “Win + R” key combination on the keyboard, by launching the “Run” window → in the “Open” field, write the command “cmd” → now, you need to hold down “Ctrl + Shift” and without releasing these buttons on the keyboard, use the “Enter” button as well - all this will allow you to launch the “Command Line”, but only on the right side of the Administrator.

In the “Command Line” Window itself, you need to write a small command - “sfc / scannow” (launched by pressing “Enter”) which will instantly launch the “standard” tool for checking system files to recover damaged Windows files → you just have to wait until the above process ends and reboot the device.

Please note that if the Windows Defender is not completely updated, a situation may arise that causes the error finder to mark all PowerShell files as having errors. Thus, be sure to do a preliminary update of the "Defender".

We hope that the update KB4505903 and the error in Windows 10 that may occur on board your PC will not upset you much, since this is actually very simple and quick to solve, the main thing is to know how act in a similar situation.