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How to put a password on a computer with Windows 7?

How to put a password on a computer with Windows 7?

If for some reason, you still have to work with the seventh generation operating system, then you probably should be aware that this program is very progressive in terms of protecting user data. It is for this reason that each of the users can independently put the password on a computer with Windows 7 and forget about many problems and threats that can suddenly penetrate his computer life from the “outside”.

In addition, the relevance of the password in a timely world is also present for the reason that even under the condition that your device is constantly at home and besides you there is no one who does not use it, no one can guarantee that in your absence, you will the house does not penetrate the robbers and simply will not steal the PC and with all the information stored in it. It is clear that the device may have working documents and other files, but if you drop a little deeper, it may be that your personal life is entirely in the hands of intruders who, in the future, may even ask for a ransom for personal photos and videos or maybe just spread them on the Internet.

Also, the use of a password is also necessary for those users who use their PC in a non-home, as this ensures that no outsider can get into your system and see exactly what you are doing there.

Thus, before you decide to refuse to use a password in Windows 7, it is better to think a few times, and only then, take the “right” decision, because your future will probably depend on it.

How to put a password on a computer with Windows 7?

Using the "Start" button, you should go to the corresponding menu and, in the right column, click on the "Control Panel" item.

In the new window, find "User Accounts" and also click on this item with the LMB.

You are in the section "Making Changes to a User Account", which means that it's time to find the item "Create a password for your account" and also make one click on it with the LMB.

In the "Create a password for your account", you must enter:

  • 2 times the same password;
  • 1 time a hint that will allow you to remember the main password if you forget it.

After that, you can use the "Create Password" button and click on it with the LMB.

In fact, you managed to put the password on a computer with Windows 7, but before it starts to function fully, we suggest that you restart the system, because after performing this procedure, the system will not be 100% accessible to outsiders users and will be controlled only by you.