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How to turn off Cortana in Windows 10?

How to turn off Cortana in Windows 10?

In order to understand: “How to turn off Cortana in Windows 10?” You should not be a great expert in this direction, because often the average user only needs 2-3 minutes to familiarize himself with our article and more 2-3 minutes in order to apply this knowledge in practice.

It is important to note that this method will not force you to use third-party software, but will allow you to make all the settings yourself - using only what each user has in Windows 10.

Suppose that you are faced with a situation where a voice assistant does not help you, but at the very least interferes, it hurts during work and you want to turn it off once and for all. To do this, refer to the "Start" menu, there using the "Search" and the command "regedit". As soon as in the search results, you notice “regedit”, then move the cursor and click on this result, RMB, so that a small context menu opens and you can use the “Run as administrator” option.

Having done everything correctly, you will certainly be moved to the Registry Editor window, right here, you should turn to the right column, where you will have to gradually move from section to section: “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE → SOFTWARE → Policies → Microsoft → Windows”.

As you have already guessed, your ultimate goal, judging from the previous step, is the “Windows” section, exactly in it try to find the “Windows Search” section, but if it doesn’t exist (it happens), then you should wake up: move the cursor over the folder “Windows” → click RMB → access the context menu and select “Create” → “Section” → the created section should be called “Windows Search”.

Now, your goal is the created “Windows Search” folder on which you hover the mouse cursor and right click on the right-click context menu to start the next context menu, where you can do the following: “Create” → “DWORD (32-bit)” → you must specify the name “AllowCortana” .

Hover the mouse over “AllowCortana” and double-click on it with the LMB to bring up the “Change DWORD (32-bit)” window, where you will have the “Value” field, which you need to change to the number “0”.

The work you have done will not go unnoticed, because after another reboot of the system, you can make sure that: “Did you turn off Cortana in Windows 10 or not?” But if everything was done correctly, then, most likely, you will no longer suffer with Kortana, and she certainly will no longer get you with her presence in the system.