How to open the control panel in Windows 10
Surely, you've already had to think about how to open the control panel in Windows 10 and seemingly simple action, it took you quite a lot of time. If everything is really so, then this article will be useful to you, because from it, you can learn about some useful ways to open the control panel about which, perhaps you did not even know!
Method number 1
First, you need to open the Start menu and go to the section called "Service", and from there, go to "Control Panel" where it's possible to find what we need with you.
We also note that this process can be simplified, since you only need to go to the context menu of the link on the control panel once and in the Start menu simply by simply creating a shortcut that can be placed anywhere (most often "Control Panel" or The same "Initial tap".
Method number 2
If you are a fan of using the search string, then you can do everything through it. For starters, you should open the "Start" menu, there click on "Search Line" and write in it the words "panel", immediately see the result, go to the control panel.
Method number 3
You can use the "Run" window, but for this, after opening it, you need to assign a "control" command to it, which will also allow you to open the control panel in Windows 10.
Method number 4
And as it seems to us, the easiest and most convenient way ... On the "Desktop" click on the PCM in the empty area and select the "Create shortcut" item in the context menu. When creating a shortcut, it must specify the path of the following form: "%windir%\explorer.exe shell:::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}".
This method allows you to quickly open the control panel in Windows 10 and in the future, you can use this label at least 100 times a day, and all from the fact that this kind of use will be as convenient and simple as possible.