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How to disable the Windows 10 Pro update?

How to disable the Windows 10 Pro update?

Agree that the operating system Win 10, in itself a very practical OS, but even it, there are all sorts of elements that you sometimes want to disconnect, so that they do not have the ability to function without your knowledge. One of these elements is the constant - periodic update of the system, on the one hand - it is very convenient, since the OS is updated without user participation, but on the other hand, such updates can create some inconvenience in situations where there is no desire to wait for the end download updates and then, then install them. That's why, today, we decided to tell you about how to disable the upgrade of Windows 10 Pro.

Just note that the choice for the editorial "Pro" we did not fall by accident, because it has a certain function that allows you to easily get all system updates for up to 35 days. Thus, you can temporarily disable the update, and then, independently, authorize its launch or, wait for the expiration of the period of 35 days, after which, there will be one major update of the system. So what is the closest way to you, choose only you...

How to disable the Windows 10 Pro update?

Let's repeat... We will be the editor of "Pro"! During the setup, only the built-in system features of the program will be used and no third-party software will be used!

The first thing you should do is go to the panel with the name "Options", after which you can go to "Update and Security", then you will have the opportunity to go to "Windows Update" and in the finals, you will enter in the "Additional Options".

If the above described path is too difficult for you, then we suggest to open the "Start" menu and use "Search", where in the search box you should prescribe "Additional parameters", then select the corresponding search result that the system will offer.

A new window has opened before you, but in it, you should only be interested in the section called "Suspend Updates", because it has a small switch that you switch from "Off" to "On".

As soon as you perform this operation, immediately, the system stops receiving updates for exactly 35 days and it will be visible under the switch, where the line "Updates are turned off until **. **. ****" appears. After the expiration of the specified period, you will notice that the system began to receive updates automatically.

If for some reason you leave the system without updates for a period of 35 days for you - it's too long, you can at any time go to "Windows Update" and use the "Resume Updates" button.

Thus, it turns out that disabling the upgrade of Windows 10 Prois not as difficult as it might seem initially, the only thing that should be remembered is:

  • Disconnection is available for 35 days to all PC users who use the "Pro" edition.
  • Disconnect is available for 7 days to all PC users who use the "Insider Preview" edition.