How to disable the SMBv1 protocol in Windows 10?
If you are thinking about: How to disable the SMBv1 protocol in Windows 10? Then this article will surely be useful to you, because in it, we tried to collect only the most necessary information for you, which in fact can help you achieve those heights in the configuration of your operating system and its security, which you have not yet had. It is thanks to the reading of this article and the application described in practice that you will be able to secure your computer or laptop from such famous viruses as WannaCry or Petya, and maybe from something even more terrible.
In fact, the rejection of the SMBv1 protocol can be authorized by the user almost anything, because for these purposes the operating system of the tenth generation has some settings and even third-party applications with this help you to cope, that's only we have our own method, which in our opinion, one of the best. By "its own method" of disabling the SMBv1 protocol, we mean using a system utility called "Turning on or off Windows components" or using PowerShell.
How do I start the "Enable or Disable Windows Components" utility?
Running this utility is quite simple, because you can use "Search" on the "Taskbar" by entering the utility's name in the search box.
Once you have opened a new window, you should: find the section "SMB 1.0 / CIFS File Sharing Support" → uncheck "SMB 1.0 / CIFS Client" → then click on "Ok" → give consent to the computer / laptop being rebooted.
How to disable the SMBv1 protocol in Windows 10 via the Command line?
Here everything is simple enough, because you just simply need to use PowerShell → where you will enter the command: "Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName SMB1Protocol" (the command is entered without quotes) → click on "Enter".
After you do any of the above operations, you will of course be able to disable the SMBv1 protocol in Windows 10, but do not think that after that, more than one virus will not be able to penetrate your system, so How to continue to use a licensed antivirus will certainly have to.
In addition, we should not forget that Microsoft continues to use the SMBv1 protocol in various kinds of its products, so this add-on is outdated, but it may happen that sometime you might need it and forget about that , that you turn it off earlier, do not!