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How to configure auto-cleanup in Windows 10 Downloads folder

How to configure auto-cleanup in Windows 10 Downloads folder

Today, we will touch upon some possibilities of setting the operating system of the tenth generation in the Redstone 3 edition, since it is in it that there are some possibilities for setting up the OS that are not available in other editions. And so, in order to understand and understand, how to configure auto-cleanup in Windows 10 Downloads folder, you should think first of all for exactly what you need and if you exactly decide that without the data Actions on the part of the OS you do not live a day, you can safely proceed with the configuration of the above process.

Before you make changes to your operating system Win 10 Redstone 3, I would like to clarify that the changes that you add to it will be made only once and then, there is nothing to correct it. In addition, if for some reason you do not need any more autoclearing of the Downloads folder, then you can just as easily renounce it, as you have included this process.

In general, the basic OS setup begins with the fact that you need to get into the application called "Options" -> now, go to the "System" -> find the tab called "Storage" and go to it -> put the switch in the " On ", where" Memory control "is written -> click one of the" Change the way to free up space "link.

If you have done everything correctly above, then you will certainly have to open a window in which there will be the item "Delete files in my Downloads folder that did not change for more than 30 days", opposite which you just need to put the switch in the "On.". "

So, just enough, you can configure auto-cleanup in Windows 10 Downloads folder, which will really automate this process on your computer. Of course, the downside of this process is that it is not possible to configure a smaller or a greater time interval for cleaning the Downloads folder, but you will agree that even in this version, everything looks just fine, and it will work as well.

If it is necessary to disable auto-cleaning, we perform similar actions as described above for shutdown, but only to the exact opposite.