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How to burn iso-image of Windows XP on the drive

How to burn iso-image of Windows XP on the drive

Today, we will try as much as possible available to you the language to explain, how to burn iso-image of Windows XP on the drive in such a way that it was spent as little time, but at the same time and the effect was most positive.

1. You need to download the license image of Windows XP, making it the best out of our warehouse, because there there is an infinite number of different kinds of operating system versions, and therefore each will choose for themselves exactly what he needed most.

2. Now you need to make download UltraISO program. Choosing the side of the program has fallen on the grounds that it: does not weigh much, is free and it will be able to take advantage of any PC user.

3. Once the program is downloaded UltraISO, make its installation. Installation of the software is quite simple and will not take much of your time and effort.

Note that once you install the above programs, it will be automatically associated with the .iso extension, which means that all files with the extension «.iso» will be run directly by this program.

4. In order to begin to wash down Windows XP, you will need to double-click on the previously downloaded the image from step number 1.

5. Now, you will need to start the program UltraISO. Insert the DVD-ROM drive that is going to burn iso-image of Windows XP. It remains only to press the button «Burn» ( «Record") and wait for the moment when the program is complete wash down image.

If you are interested in more specific settings, you can put all similar to what is shown in the screenshot below, since this option settings, we always use to record any image of Windows. Immediately note that the disk write speed we selected a minimum, that actually you recommend to do.

As a result, if the process ended successfully, you could write the iso-image of Windows XP on the drive, which may be used at any time and on any device that has a drive for reading CD / DVD-ROM drive . In addition, the recorded image may be used for subsequent copying, and if necessary, create the secondary copy of it, which, as primary will be the quality and functionality.