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How to adjust the sound in Windows 10?

How to adjust the sound in Windows 10?

If you do not know about how to adjust the sound in Windows 10? Then, you should read this article in more detail, because in it, we try to tell extremely simply and most importantly, information that affects the ability to connect various devices to the OS. This topic has arisen not just because, but recently, the April update of the system, which was able to turn the familiar operating system for many users, into something more that has the ability to be configured for a specific interaction between one application and one device playing the sound. Thus, different applications can be connected to different devices, which will make their soundtrack more full and rich.

How to adjust the sound in Windows 10?

In order to configure the sound, you should use at the initial stage one of two ways, exactly, you will use, it does not matter, the result at the end will be the same:

  • To get started, use the Options panel → next, use the section called "System" → then go to the section called "Sound" → and at the end, go to the section called "Device Settings and Application Volume".
  • Also, no one forbids you to use "Search", which is located on the "Taskbar", where you just type in the query string the following character "Audio Mixer Parameters" → after which you see several variants of the results and accordingly, choose the most suitable for your search query.

Now, all the fun begins ... You are in the "Device Settings and Application Volume" window and then you have the opportunity to perform the following actions to configure your system:

  • At the initial stage, you can set the overall volume of the OS. Here you can also choose which device your system will sound on.
  • Next, you can configure each individual application to output its sound, on a particular sound device. Simply, select an application from the drop-down list and in the same way, select a specific device for sound output.

Possible problems that you may encounter while you try to adjust the sound in Windows 10:

  • There are situations where an operating system, in particular an updated application for setting the sound, simply does not see the application. In such a situation, the user must launch the application and in any convenient way, launch any audio signal and immediately, the sound setting application will see the software that was hidden from it and it can be configured as you need it.

It would seem that all of the above sound settings in Windows 10 are as simple as possible and without any problems, but you just need to understand that not all users know about their existence. That's why, we wrote this article, which several times simplifies your life for PC and OS setup.