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How do I change to Windows 10 OEM-information

How do I change to Windows 10 OEM-information

Today, the article will tell you about, how to change to the Windows 10 OEM-information, since there are situations in which just need to make some changes in the OEM-information.

If you do not understand what the «OEM-information" that we explain... This information can be found in the system properties, where the right side of the window has some information - information about the system. Such information is usually prescribed software vendors, or "jack of all trades" who personally bring information about the "assembly" that they created on the basis of the full version of the operating system.

Generally, OEM-data can be virtually any data: phone number, e-mail e-mail, url-site logo, and even the developer, so that the ability to manage data OS capabilities, you can certainly come in handy.

Just say that all of the data that are written above, are placed in the registry, and consequently, they are completely editable.

Here is the OEM-information before editing:

In order to start editing, you need to use the command "the regedit", which will open the "Registry Editor", where it is possible to go to the next section of the path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ OEMInformation.

Provided that you have a licensed operating system is Windows 10, the last section will be present at the beginning, but if the OS you "pirate" or not activated, then the last section will not and it will have to create your own - by hand. Accordingly, it is in the subsection titled «OEMInformation» we will write a string parameter that just will display OEM-visual information.

The parameter list is as follows:

• Manufacturer - This information about the manufacturer.

• Model - This model information of the computer.

• SupportHours - displays the work of technical support.

• SupportPhone - displays contact technical support phone number.

• SUPPORTURL - contains a link to the developers site.

• Logo - stores the path to the logo - in this case, it is a square image having BMP format and no larger than 120x120 pixels and a color depth of 32 bits.

Note that after you make changes, they take effect immediately and provided that you were able to correctly change in Windows 10 OEM-information, not any more action on amendments to the operating system to take You do not have to!

But be that as it was not, there may be situations when you may need to reload the operating system, which will finally dot the "I".