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Hide "Defender" in the tray Windows 10 Crеators Uрdаte

Hide "Defender" in the tray Windows 10 Crеators Uрdаte

We constantly hide the "Defender" in the Windows 10 Crater Uprate tray on the various devices that require it, but everything from the fact that it is very practical and much more convenient than seeing the Defender constantly where it is not at all Should be.

It is worth noting that the Protector icon in Windows 10 Créators Udáte is located along the following path: C: \ Program Files \ Windows Defender. This layout icon, allows you to run the file every time the operating system starts. Accordingly, we need to remove the file from the startup to get rid of its constant "start" with the OS.

To start, open the Task Manager -> go to "Startup" -> right-click on the item "Windows Defender Notification icon" -> in the opened context menu select the item called "Disable".

Now, reboot the operating system, which will allow all changes you make to it to take effect.

This is how we hide the "Defender" in the Windows 10 Crater Uprate tray if necessary. If there is a need to return everything to the "standard" position, then perform the above operation in the same way, but only all of your actions should be performed in reverse (at the end you will have to select "Enable").