Error updating 0x80073712 in Windows 10
If you have been using your computer for a long time, you probably already had to deal with various kinds of errors in the system, but here's a problem like error 0x80073712 in Windows 10 you certainly have not had before, so, it's time to deal with it and try to eliminate this problem.
The essence of the error 0x80073712 is that you work in the OS, everything is as usual and at the moment when the system itself or from your feed attempts to update, the above error occurs. It seems that this is a temporary failure and you need to restart the PC or wait a few days, but time passes and nothing changes. Day after day, the user tries to remove the error, but it appears again and again, which ultimately limits the operating system from getting high-quality and timely updates.
Many of those who encountered this mistake for a long time could not understand: "What exactly happens with their OS?" And this very question they at some point answered at Microsoft, as they conducted a small study of the problem, which showed, that to all fault the damaged component of the CBS manifest. In fact, to add to what was said from the mouth of the developers of the operating system there is nothing, because with us it remains only to try at least somehow to reanimate the system, so that it could work fully, as before. In order to restore 100% efficiency of the system, we can offer you 4 really working schemes.
DISM utility against error 0x80073712 in Windows 10
In this case, we will use the standard utility DISM, which is built into the operating system. First of all, you must press the Windows + S buttons to open the search string, which you will need to write: "Command line". Once the system offers you the most suitable options for applications, select the "Command Line" directly, but beforehand, you must open this application with Administrator rights, and for this, you should right-click on the result in the "Command Line" search and from the contextual menu select the option: "Run as administrator". Once in the "Command line", you type in it in turn, two teams:
- DISM.exe / Online / Cleanup-image / Scanhealth
- DISM.exe / Online / Cleanup-image / Restorehealth
As soon as you finish entering the commands, there is nothing more than how to close the "Command Line" window and restart the OS, you will no longer need it.
Windows Update Troubleshooter vs. 0x80073712 error on Windows 10
Suppose that the first method of confronting your problem was not effective, and therefore the update error 0x80073712 in Windows 10 remained ... So, you need to use the "standard" features of Microsoft that were developed specifically for such cases and are not called other than Windows Update Troubleshooter. First, go to the Microsoft website and start the utility here as soon as the utility boots to your computer, double click on it to start it. Now, you just have to perform the actions that the utility will tell you, but remember that at some point, you need to select the "Update Center" item and only after that, click on the "Next" button. The utility is relatively fast, so wait until it finishes the process of scanning and restoring system files and rebooting the computer.
System recovery against error 0x80073712 in Windows 10
If after two attempts to fix the problem you still have update error 0x80073712 in Windows 10, then you need to move to more radical measures that look like "OS recovery". Here the action log looks like this: click on "Start" and go to it we find a small icon "gear" from where we go to the settings of the PC, now we go to the "Update and Security" section, we go further to the tab "Restore", we find the button " Start "(it is located under the item" Return the computer to its original state ") and click on it. It remains to you only to wait for instructions from the operating system and be attentive, since you should select the item that is responsible for storing all personal data so that your important information is not accidentally deleted from your OS.
Reinstall the operating system against the error 0x80073712 in Windows 10
This is the most radical way to confront the problem, which means that it should be used only as a last resort and as you understand, after using this method of countering an error, it will surely disappear, but there will not be anything left in the OS either!