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Error c1900107 in Windows 10

Error c1900107 in Windows 10

If you have a Error c1900107 in Windows 10, then it is time to it somehow cope, because it often does not arise from nowhere, and is the result available to the BIOS-e function «Secure boot». The peculiarity of the above-mentioned features is that it is simply just to prevent the launch of unauthorized system at a time when you are trying to download a PC or laptop with a USB-drive or optical disc.

Thus, in order to make off «Secure boot» and to be able to run the operating system without disruption, you should:

1. View Bios Windows 10.

2. Select «Security Boot Parameters» -> where is the choice of the operating system type, select «Windows 8 UEFI». Note that select «Windows 8 UEFI» is necessary no matter what OS you want to run, since the above-mentioned parameter is relevant even on Windows 10.
Unforgettable save the changes in the BIOS.

3. produce the OS in the "safe mode" boot, in order to select "the Custom" mode.

4. Now click on the "key management" and produce a disabling "the Provisioning" -> click on the "secure boot key" that allows us to remove all the old - is not workable keys.

5. Arrange the boot priority to USB-drive or other place where you are running, and make saving all settings.

After the above work done, your Error c1900107 in Windows 10 will have to disappear, because you remove all the "old" - broken keys, and in their place "stand up" new - fully functioning.