Error 0x803f7001 when activating Windows 10
Error 0x803f7001 when activating Windows 10may appear quite suddenly and even the PC user himself will not be able to understand what and why he started having problems. It is for this reason that we decided to analyze this mistake for as long as we are allowed to do this by our knowledge and the information base that we have.
I just want to warn you that all the reasons for the error 0x803f7001 are just a basic part of the possible problems, so you have to be more creative in some way to eliminate the activation error.
Causes of error 0x803f7001 and possible solutions
- It is possible that you have not installed a licensed ISO-image of the system, which means that you need to reinstall the system completely and use only the licensed ISO-image with a new installation.
- t is worth paying attention to the infection of the system with viruses. It is not uncommon for a situation where installing a licensed antivirus and scanning it with the Windows operating system 10 allows you to get rid of problems.
- Do not ignore the stability of your Internet, as it plays an important role here. Only with a stable Internet, either your side or the connection of Microsoft servers, the error will disappear by itself.
- Many of you are in a hurry and make mistakes at certain stages of key entry, which causes the appearance of error 0x803f7001 when activating Windows 10. Here you just have to be extremely attentive and not in a hurry.
- If for some reason you have changed the configuration of your system unit, activation of the OS can also be difficult. In this case, you should use any of the convenient ways to contact the support so that they can help you cope with the problem.
- Also, do not try to enter the activation key for earlier versions of Windows with the activation of Windows 10, because it does not lead to anything good.
- Check the status of the OS license with the following actions: right click on the "Start" button, then click on the "Command line (administrator)", prescribe the command slmgr -dlv. If you find "Script Hos", then your OS license is not activated and in order to activate it, you will have to use the manual method: go to the "Start" menu, find "Options", go to "Update and Security" and click on "Activation". In a new window, you need to click on the "Change product key" parameter, where you actually can enter the correct activation key for the OS.
Having done everything correctly, you will see that one of the above methods has allowed you to make sure that the error 0x803f7001 when activating Windows 10 is no longer bothering you and now you have the opportunity to work in your favorite OS without any problems, then problems.