Does not work Outlook Search
Recently, the Microsoft Outlook email client is starting to become more and more popular, as its use is not only convenient for organizations and companies, but also for individual PC users. It is due to various functions and opportunities to use the full-fledged "Search", this application is not inferior to its leading position in terms of using a huge number of similar programs. It just may happen that at some point, you just simply notice that Outlook Search does not work. It would seem that there is such a thing, it's probably an ordinary application crash, and it's enough just to restart Windows in order to make everything fall into place, but only after rebooting, there's nothing that will not change... That's why we decided to tell you, how to fix the problem with the work of the Search in this application, provided that there is nothing to reinstall it!
Initially, go to the settings of the Outlook application → pay attention to the menu on the left, because in it you need to click the "Search" button → next, click on the "Indexing parameters" button.
It happens that the above service is not active, in which case you need to start the "Windows Search" service using the Service Management snap-in, and only after that, you will have the opportunity to continue to configure the Outlook application.
You should be interested only in the newly opened window called "Edit" → then disable indexing for the application, by unchecking the box opposite the item of the same name.
You have to save the changes you made → after that, you can close the client, but you should make sure that the Task Manager does not have a workable process outlook.exe.
Go to launch the application, but only in the main menu with the name "File" → then choose "Account Settings" → then click on "Account Settings" → a dialog opens where there will be a tab "Data Files" on which the actual and you need to go → right here, you will see several "OST" or "PST" files (it happens that there is only one file).
Now, you have to alternately select each individual "OST" or "PST" file → after which you need to click on "Open file location" → the Explorer window will open immediately where you have to click on the button labeled "Others" → and then you check the box "Permit to index the contents of this file..."
At the moment, you can not do nothing to check, because Outlook Search does not work, because you need to save all the settings you made and only after that, you have to activate the indexing of Outlook → then we perform the operation similar to the one described above, but only this time, we put a tick opposite the item "Microsoft Outlook".
That's only after all of the above, it will be possible to check the application for serviceability, but if it turns out that Outlook Search again refuses to work, then proceed to the next way to configure the application.
This time, you have to do the rebuilding of the index. For those who do not know, it's done like this: open "Indexing Parameters" → click on the "Change" → click on the "Rebuild" button.
If again there are not any positive results in terms of workable Search, then you can sin on the corrupted file "PST". In order to check the above file for damage and fix it if necessary, we advise you to follow the path "% PROGRAMFILES% \ Microsoft Office \ Office [version number of the client]" and use the "standard" utility "scanpst.exe".
Note that in Outlook 2013, the utility for fixing problems is located on the following path: "% PROGRAMFILES% \ Microsoft Office 15 \ root \ office15".
We terminate Microsoft Outlook → run the executable file "scanpst.exe" and specify the path to one of the files "OST" or "PST" → click on the "Start" button.
Scanning proceeds relatively quickly and if it happens that the utility will find at least one problem that could lead to a malfunction, then it must be allowed to try to correct the error on its own.
If you correctly perform all that we described above, then the message that does not work Searching in Outlook, you will not see it sooner!