Distortion of graphics and colors in Windows 10
On the Internet, there was a mass of information with a question mark about the fact that suddenly on the licensed operating system there was a distortion of graphics and colors in Windows 10. In the first couple, it all seemed like some kind of nonsense, but dripping a little deeper, it became clear that the reason for this was the Windows 10 May 2019 Update (version 1903), which was downloaded to PC users by hand or by means of an automatic OS update. As a result, the existing problem in the update, has brought a lot of failures to a huge number of users who are faced with what was in their life, not yet.
As practice has shown, trying to correct the problem, the main reason for all is a kind of software failure, which often does not react at all to:
- Normal reboot of the Win 10 system;
- On the setting of the graphical parameters of the OS;
- On the setting of the OS color palette.
So, in this situation, you need to act more sophisticated in order to achieve a specific result and get exactly what you need from your actions, rather than perform a system setting, and then return to what you would like to leave.
Installing the intermediate update Windows 10 KB4501375 (Build 18362.207)
In this case, you need to understand that only the official update from Microsoft in the face of Windows 10 KB4501375 (Build 18362.207), which was developed and released at most to correct color and graphics errors that occurred after installing the previous update, will be used.
Installing the update takes place in a regular mode and there are no additional steps other than those that you could have performed earlier, and therefore the action log will be as follows: downloading the update → installation → rebooting the system → working with the OS that has no problems with graphics and color palette.
Disabling "Triggers" to resume high-quality OS
This method, in fact, is no more difficult than working with installing an update, just here, you will have to perform an order of magnitude more clicks with the mouse to achieve the final result, and everything that will be done manually. The action log in this case will look like this: go to the Start menu → using the Search field, set the search query “Task Scheduler” and go to the appropriate section of the system → Task Scheduler Library to find the Microsoft tab and by clicking on it, go to “Windows” → your goal is “WindowsColorSystem”, because using this parameter, you can get to the “Calibration Loader” and by executing on it just one click with the mouse, open the context menu that has the most interesting tab under name "Triggers" → acc. Naturally, you just have to turn off the operation: “When logging into the system” and “When connecting to a user session” (you no longer need to touch anything) → restart the OS.
Most likely, distortion of graphics and colors in Windows 10 will disappear, as at the moment, you have applied maximum action to fix the problem. The only thing that is worth remembering is that you have disabled the "Triggers" and have to turn them on, but only after the next stable update for the "dozens" has been installed.