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Diskpart in Windows 10

Diskpart in Windows 10

Today, we'll tell you how you can use Diskpart in Windows 10 to use this console utility to clean your hard drive without any hassle and using third-party software.

It should be noted right away that the properties of hard disk formatting with the Diskpart utility are such that after using it, it is almost impossible to restore data from the hard disk, especially at home. Utility as possible for programs of this kind clears the entire hard drive, which allows it to be safely given to third parties for use.

The action log when working with the Diskpart utility

First, you will need to connect to the PC the hard drive that you are going to format. Once everything is connected, it is necessary to open the command prompt on behalf of the Administrator, then enter the following commands in the following sequence:

  • Diskpart
  • List disk
  • Selject disk 1
  • Clean all

What do the commands mean when using the Diskpart utility?

  • Diskpart - a command that activates and starts the utility "Diskpart" itself.
  • List disk - this command will allow you to see a list of all the physical disks that are currently connected to the computer.
  • Select disk 1 - with this command, you select the disk that you are going to format (only the digit changes, if you select the number "0", the hard disk with Win10 installed will be cleared).
  • Clean all - the final command that runs the cleanup of the OS itself.

Diskpart in Windows 10 is relatively long, so after starting the formatting procedure, you should be patient, since the zap-off sectors are filled with zeros in order to be completely unrecoverable in the subsequent recovery of the overwritten data.