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Disable viewing password button on the login screen in Windows 10 system

Disable viewing password button on the login screen in Windows 10 system

If you are a supporter of the security of its operating system, then you surely must know that when you log into the OS, in the password field, there is a special button (in the form of the eye), which allows you to input the password visible. On the one hand - it is very convenient, as you can enter without a password error, but on the other hand - this could be the reason that someone will see input your password and start to use it in your absence. That is why, we suggest that you disable button to view the password login screen, Windows 10, not to those who could not use the "eye" to see your password.

To disable the password, view buttons, we have to take advantage of registry tweaks: press «Win + R» -> in the «Run» window that opens, make the input «regedit» Team -> pass the following path, which you can open in the left column is: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Software / Policies / Microsoft / Windows / CredUI.

If it turns out that the last sub-section, you will not, then just to simply create it yourself.

Create the right side is the new 32-bit DWORD value and prescribes him the name «DisablePasswordReveal». This parameter is set to "1" values:

It only remains to restart the operating system and already the next time it just admire how well you turned disable viewing password button on the login screen in Windows 10:

If for some reason you need to return the key before viewing the password, then simply just make the removal of «DisablePasswordReveal» parameter.