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Customize the icons on the "desktop" in Windows 10

Customize the icons on the "desktop" in Windows 10

Ten” as a fully functioning operating system is exactly what most PC users need, and all that developers of this software have been able to implement into it a huge number of versatile: options, applications, settings, and many more that is real cool to use for the benefit of yourself. That's just that situations when a user using a device is afraid to break it and, as a result, deny themselves the pleasure of setting up the software part... In such cases, many users of computers and laptops may suffer for years, but not even take a minimal amount actions to configure the device, so that with him it was all, as before good. One of such peculiar moments, which in particular among novice PC users are left without proper attention, are custom icons on the “Desktop” in Windows 10. That's it about them, we will try to tell you today in as much detail as possible, since the presence of “standard” icons in click-through availability can make your device many times more convenient in terms of use.

So that you understand, in this article, we will first of all talk about what the configuration of the system “Badges” is, but also about the “Labels”, let's also talk a little...

How to remove all icons and shortcuts from the desktop in Windows 10

Suppose you have a situation that requires you to remove all icons and shortcuts from your desktop in a couple of seconds. This action can be associated with anything, but you must admit that it is not very practical: to remove this system component → purge the “Recycle Bin”. It is much easier to use: right-click on the empty area “Desktop” → “View” → “Display Desktop Icons” (check / uncheck). Depending on whether the checkbox is set in the item “Display desktop icons”, in the “Desktop” area, all icons and shortcuts will be present / absent.

The method is very simple, but at the same time it is as effective as possible to hide all the content that should not be seen by third parties, even visually.

If you are interested in the possibility of adding "system icons" to the "Desktop", since you need to get to the section: "This computer", "Basket" and so on in a couple of clicks, then you need to act a little differently, since adding such system elements hides in a more in-depth OS configuration, namely: go to “Start” → use “Settings” / “Parameters” → access “Personalization” → go to “Themes” section → “Related Parameters” → “Desktop Icon Parameters” → in front of you is a window that allows um choose those "system icons" that you need after selecting → use the button "Apply" → "OK".

Thus, we customize the icons on the "Desktop" in Windows 10 so that their display is convenient in terms of use. If desired, you can always make adjustments and update the "workspace".

If you have a device that supports “Tablet mode”, then in that case, you should pay attention to the fact that some icons may not display correctly - this is due to the fact that the device does not have the ability to correctly switch from one state to another. In this case, you can use the "Explorer", since using it to get to the necessary system partition or application is not difficult.

In some cases, if the icons are not displayed correctly, you can disable and re-enable Tablet mode using the Notification Center, which is located in Windows 10 on the taskbar, next to the date and time.

Another point that will allow you to make icons and shortcuts on the "Desktop" more attractive for your perception lies in the use of: right-clicking on the empty "Desktop" area → switching to the context menu on the "View" tab → opening an additional context menu in which you can choose: the size of the displayed icons / icons, organize the icons / icons, and so on.

We hope that now, you will have a minimum number of problems in order to customize the icon / shortcut on your computer so that they satisfy all your needs and are as practical as possible for you to use.