Automatic cleaning of the basket in Windows 10
For some users, operating systems, setting and bringing all the OS work process to automatism - is the norm, which is why we decided to tell you today that should consist of a Automatic Cleaning baskets in Windows 10. It would seem, well, what is needed ...? But as practice shows, this process is necessary for those users who work very hard for the PC and always something removed.
Method 1
This method will allow the cleaned basket during shutdown your PC or operating system reboot. To implement this method, we have to use a special shortcut that will be placed in the Windows Startup folder.
Use the "hot key combination» «Win + R» and call window «Run», which actually run the command «shell: Startup»:
empty folder will open in front of you, where you will need to create a blank label and its location of the object field, it will be necessary to prescribe the following path: cmd.exe / c "echo Y | PowerShell.exe -NoProfile -Command Clear-RecycleBin".
We make saving a label with any name and restart the OS.
After rebooting the operating system, you will see that has been implemented Automatic Cleaning baskets in Windows 10, which now will be always at shutdown or reboot the OS.
Method 2
The method for automatic cleaning of the basket is to use "Task Scheduler." Using a combination of "hot keys» «Win + R» open «Run» box and mount it in the command «taskschd.msc»:
We find the left column and in it choose "Task Scheduler Library", and after that, in the right column, select the "Create a task".
In the field "Task name" can be assigned any name / company name, but the drop-down menu titled "Set to", choose "the Windows 10".
Switching to a tab called "triggers" and click on the button "Create".
Set the time that will be used to empty the trash.
Now we go to the tab "Options" and click on "Create".
We find the "program or script" and put this into it, "the cmd.exe" and in the box called "Add arguments" put this command: / c "echo Y | PowerShell.exe -NoProfile -Command Clear-RecycleBin".
That's all! Now, Automatic Cleaning baskets in Windows 10 will be constantly at the specified time, because everything will be under control, "scheduler" that works without a glitch!