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Viewer photos for Windows 10

 Viewer photos for Windows 10

Many users of "ten" do not like what they suggest using the app "Photo" and not «Photo Viewer" for Windows 10, because they are accustomed to the fact that it was previously and did not want not what changed. For this reason, today we will try and tell you how it is possible to return to normal, because the app "Photo Viewer" is simply hidden from the eyes of the user in the new operating system.

Run the "Registry Editor" using "regedit.exe" command via the search, which is located on the taskbar → go to the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows Photo Viewer \ Capabilities \ FileAssociations

If the above section is not present, create it yourself.

Now, create a string value named ".jpg" and value «PhotoViewer.FileAssoc.Tiff», it will link the "Windows Photo Viewer" with the JPG-files. This procedure you have to spend for all files that you want to open using the "photo viewer". Alternatively, to do everything manually, download a registry file that will allow you to do everything automatically.

Now, assign Viewer for Windows 10 pictures main application for viewing images. Is done, this procedure is very simple: choose the option "View photos Windows» in the list available in the "Options" panel → «System» → «Default Applications" → «View photos or directly from Explorer context menu" "Open with" → "Choose another application» → «Windows photo Viewer" and set a tick next to "Always use this application to open a .jpg file."

Everything is now only all the .jpg format images will be opened with the "photo viewer".